208 pages
Summary: Alex-the oldest loves acting, Stevie-the middle hates it, and Joey-the youngest loves pioneer and jello. And yes they are all girls. The three are members of their own sisters club, which includes meeting in Alex's room every week. But then everything changed...
Something good happens, Alex got the part of Beauty, now everything should go back to normal-Wrong! Now that Alex has the part of Beauty, she brings her Beast to dinner ...but sisters do what sisters do, and now Alex isn't speaking to Joey or Stevie. Will the sisters club every be the same again? In a book about actors, sock monkeys, oh and sisters, the Sisters Club is a book to read.
My Reaction: This book is good for girls who are 12ish. But it is good for anyone who has sisters, or those of who have 'honorary sisters.' It's also good for those of us who love acting. It's a fun-summer read, I would say. But i think it is funny and sweet in its own quirky way.
My Rating: 7.5/10
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