Wednesday, June 20, 2012

The Clique Summer Collection: Kristen

by: Lisi Harrison

122 pages
The Clique: Kristen
Summary: While all the other girls in the Pretty Committee are away vacationing, Kristen is stuck at home tutoring nine year old Massie-clone Ripple.  Just when Kristen's about to close the door on hoppe of a good summer, she meets Ripple's older hot older brother, Dune, and everything's looking up. Kristen's finally ready for a new crush, after last year. Now she'll do anything to get Dune to like her back, even if it means wearing saggy guy clothes, bribing Ripple, getting a Witty Committee, and trying to fill a country club pool  with Jell-O. If she thought that was bad, things are about to get worse, because she'll see that she's not the only one who's vying for Dune's attention, and these two have a bad history already.

My Reaction: Even though the plot sounds standard and normal, the book is actually pretty good. Ever since I saw the movie Kristen has been my favorite character, and as I read the books, I got extremely disappointed how you never really got to know Kristen. In this book, you actually get to know her. Also I think most people can relate to her, because she's not like all the other characters (extremely rich, and kind of selfish). Also, Kristen seems to have two personalities, her blend-in with the rich popular girls, and her middle-class home life, which most of us struggle with at one point. You'll love the problems and struggles Kristen has to overcome, and it just might become your favorite Clique Summer book too.

My Rating: 8.5/10

                                                  Eat, Pray, Read,


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