Saturday, July 14, 2012


by: Gordon Korman
224 pages
Summary: Capricorn (Cap) Anderson, has been home schooled by his hippie grandmother at Garland Farms. He's never watched television, eaten a pizza, or heard of a wedgie. But when is grandmother, Rain, falls out of a tree, Cap is forced to move in with a guidance counselor, Mrs. Donelly and her daughter Sophie-who hates Cap. Cap now has to attend middle school where she works. 

Schooled      Now that he's attending "Claverage" Middle School, Cap finds out that he stands out-a lot. Maybe it's because he's never cut his hair, or that he's completely honest. Just as Cap is trying to adjust to going to a regular school, he finds himself elected for president, even though he didn't want to be, or even put himself up to run. But now Cap's got another problem, the kids at school now want Cap to do all these things he doesn't know how to do. And eventually Rain has to get out of rehab...

My Reaction: I liked this book, it's good for kids that have-or had-transferred schools. I liked how Cap always stayed true himself, even though he's tormented by the other kids at school. I also liked how Korman told the story in other characters perspectives, too. One thing I didn't like was how everyone seemed to be changing their minds a lot. But all in all, it was a good book. 

My Rating: 8/10

                                        Read On, 


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