The Clique
by: Lisi Harrison (book #1)
220 pgaes
Summary: When Claire's parents loose their jobs, their college friends the Blocks invite them to live in their guesthouse. She expects to become friends with their daughter-who's the same age-Massie. Little did she know that Massie is the most popular girl at school, and that she already has three other friends who are already in their own clique. Thinking that they are like her friends back home, Claire thinks it will be easy to become friends with them, little does she know what the girls in Westchester are really like...the problem isn't getting in, it's staying in.
My Reaction: Truth is, if I had read this book in the fifth grade, I would've thought it was totally untrue. But when I read it in sixth grade, I was like hey that kinda stuff kinda happens at our school, just not as extreme. I still think that it is a bit far fetched, but a great book series. Best Friends for Never coming soon!
My Rating: 7/10 (questions as to why I rated it this just ask)
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~ Chantel <3
I remember reading these books, they are pretty good... :) I can't believe I just stumbled upon this blog, I will definitely keep reading! Thanks for all your hard work on the reviews~ Fruit Lover :) (I think you know me)