Wednesday, April 11, 2012

The Daughters

by: Joanna Philbin (book #1)                               297 pages                                                                     Summary:  Lizzie, Carina, and Hudson's lives have never been normal. Not with being the daughters of some of the most famous people in the country. The three have a special bond since they are all in the same situations, and have been friends for years. 

                     Now not a cute little girl anymore, Lizzie finds herself totally ignored by cameras, and in the shadow of her mother's beauty. But when a photographer defines her as the "new pretty", Lizzie must make a choice, whether to do the shoot or not. 
                 When Todd Piedmont returns, he provides a distraction for Lizzie. They had been friends when they were younger, but the he moved away, but not before they shared their first kiss. Now that he's back, Lizzie develops a crush on him, but she doesn't know how he feels, should she act on her feelings or not? She turns to Hudson and Carina for advice and help.

My Reaction:  I loved the daughters!! It was great for girls in Jr. high and up. It had romance and friendship. I also really liked the fact that it was written by Joanna Philbin, who is the daughter of TV host Regis Philbin. It ends on a cliff hanger, which will make you want to read the second book, The Daughters Break the Rules (Review coming soon).

My Rating: 9/10 

*the only reason i gave it a nine, is because I liked the second book better.

Sorry guys, this is my first review, and I know I probably made some mistakes, but if you have any suggestions, comment, and I'll take that into consideration when writing more reviews. 

                                           Thanks for Reading


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